"Don't you just love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms." ~Joe Fox
No matter how old I get, there will always be something about the air turning crisp that makes me think about replenishing desk accessories. When I was a peanut, this mostly consisted of yellow #2 pencils, which I hated and still do, brown paper bag book covers, a Trapper Keeper and plain composition notebooks. I am not nostalgic for any of them.
With the advent of the internet, Pinterest, Etsy and the plethora of other available resources, the sky is the limit for great desk accessory loot. As an adult, I have little to no use for pencils (for artistic purposes, I use mechanical drafting pencils because I can't stand a dull tip), but I do use note books, note pads and to do lists. Love Letter Designs, an Etsy shop in Adelaide, Australia has come up with some truly take your breath away items.
The stripey grey had me at hello. Adorable.
The black stripes are also quite choice.
And for the party girl who likes to sparkle, there is a spotty version...
Almost enough to make me wish I were a teenager again...oh that I might have paid better attention in Algebra class if I had notebooks this cute. Nah, probably not.
The one thing I probably use most often are personal note pads and the choices here are endless:
This one lives on my desk at home and looks perfectly smeshing...
And another spotty choice, with calling cards to match.
Or for the princess at heart.
For those with long to do lists:
A classic choice...
And a sparkly choice.
Also a great staple are my coveted Raval Page Flags. These super sticky suckers are great for marking pages in cook books or magazines, etc.
And what chic office space would be complete without a great stapler? Check out Design Darling for this model.
And last but not least on the subject of...duh...why didn't I think of that? The lowly paper clip. In gold. Instantly transform any mundane piece of paper or desktop with this one simple item, available dirt cheap at..well, just about anywhere. You're welcome.
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