Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Calendar Thoughts

Every year, a big ball falls in Time's Square and the year changes.  When that happens, the first thought I have is not of resolutions, champagne or parties, but rather, "Time to change the calendar!".  For me, it's an event unto itself.  Like every other artistic person, I am very picky about what goes on my walls and the wall calendar is no exception.  In fact, when others AREN'T picky about it, I shake my head and wonder what is wrong with them.  Why would anyone want to look at something with corporate logos, or kittens or something similarly ghastly when you could stare at something beautiful?  I mean, you're going to be starting at it for an entire year.  Make it good.  Really, really nice calendars don't cost a fortune and it's a no brainer gift for someone who is impossible to buy for.  The other fun thing is re-using the images once the year is finished--they make great folders, gift tags, gift boxes or frame them for an inexpensive print.

My go-to for several years has always been Cavallini, and they are great, but after several years, I was ready for a change.  In my office, I use a regular blotter type calendar on my desk to write appointments and reminders, so the one that goes on the wall doesn't need blocks to write in.  This frees things up a bit, so last year, I went with a Paper Source model and it was fab, but I'm not so crazy about this year's images.  They also have one that's a "best of" with actual blocks--which is great if you need the blocks.  See below:

Why am I writing about this in September, you ask?  Well, it's simple--I usually start looking for replacements somewhere around this time of the year in case someone asks me, "What do you want for Christmas this year?", I am prepared with an answer as opposed to a blank stare.  A few posts ago, when I was searching for great office supply sources, I fell upon Anthropologie's desk accessory page, which also featured calendars.  And I was really impressed.

A beautiful selection is the Travel America by Rifle Paper Co.  A different city each month.

Lo and behold, they also have a Lulie Wallace offering!  While this seemed fairly random, I was glad to see this fresh, young Charleston, SC artist getting some well deserved press and distribution.  Her take on color, pattern and texture is truly inspiring and I can't wait to display this calendar on my wall...hint, hint...

Another product caught my attention in a slightly more heart stopping manner--the Michelle Morin calendar.  One look at the tiny thumbnail on their website and I was in love with these stunning watercolors.  Needing more, I googled her name and found her Etsy store, which has been in existence since 2008.  Where have I been?  How is this new to me?  Sometimes looking for things on Etsy is like searching for a needle in a haystack--you have to either know exactly what you're looking for, or be lucky enough to stumble upon it by accident.  I am so glad I found this since not only will I be ordering the calendar, but can't wait to add some of her prints to my collection.  The only problem will be choosing which one since they are all gorgeous!


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